Restorative Dentistry Bountiful, UT

Do you need a smile restoration?

As we age, our smiles can develop issues that, if left untreated, detract from the appearance and functionality of our teeth, gums, and jaw. Restorative dentistry allows you the option to take control of your smile.

If you are missing teeth, have suffered from gum disease, or have experienced extensive jaw pain, restorative dentistry is here to help you resolve these issues. As a holistic dentist in Bountiful, UT, Dr. Larsen is always willing to help you restore the health of your smile using conservative methods and a biocompatible approach. He knows how much your dental health contributes to your overall health.

If you are interested in what restorative dentistry options will best meet your needs, schedule an appointment online today or call Larsen Family Dental at 801-228-0155. Dr. Larsen also provides additional dental services at our dental office in Bountiful, UT.

Teeth Replacement in Bountiful Utah

Restorative Dentistry in Bountiful, UT

Restorative dentistry services are any of our services that improve the functionality and health of your smile. When you have damaged or missing teeth, your smile quickly deteriorates and it can be harder to enjoy your favorite foods and drinks. Additionally, if you experience jaw pain or infected gums, it can be extremely distracting and difficult to feel confident with your smile. That’s why we offer a comprehensive list of restorative dental services, including:

Dental Implants

Dental implants are the premier way to replace a missing tooth. With a dental implant, every piece of your tooth is replaced from the root to the crown. That means that you get the functionality that stems from jawbone support while also the aesthetics of a natural tooth.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns allow you to keep the foundational structure of your existing tooth while also gaining the aesthetic and functional benefits of a prosthetic tooth.  This means that if your tooth is severely cracked or chipped, a tooth crown can restore it back to being as good as new without requiring full tooth extraction.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are a method of replacing missing teeth through the support of surrounding teeth. The prosthetic tooth is supported by the surrounding teeth instead of being surgically fused with your jawbone like a dental implant. Dental implants are great for patients looking to replace several consecutive missing teeth.

Dentures and Partials

For patients looking to replace a full arch of teeth, we offer dentures and partials. Dentures and partials allow patients to regain the lifestyle they once had with a full set of teeth. Our dentures are customized to your smile to prevent slippage and discomfort.

Periodontal Disease Treatment

Gum disease is an extremely common dental concern. Because of this, patients may need to restore their gums after infection with periodontal disease treatment. Dr. Larsen can help you get rid of diseased soft tissue and rebuild stronger, healthier gums.

TMJ Treatment

There is a wide range of reasons a patient might experience jaw pain. TMJ disorders are common for patients who experience pain near the temporomandibular joint of their jaw. If this is the case, Dr. Larsen can help relieve your jaw pain through a number of TMJ treatment options like oral appliance therapy.

Restorative Dentistry Frequently Asked Questions

How many dental implants can you have at once?

The number of dental implants you can have at once really depends on the patient’s situation. If multiple teeth are missing in the same area, your dentist might recommend an implant-supported bridge. It can replace several teeth with fewer implants. On the other hand, if you’re replacing all of your teeth, you might opt for a full set of implant-supported dentures. This could involve multiple implants.

When does a patient need a tooth crown?

A patient might need a dental crown for several reasons. One common reason is to protect a weak tooth from breaking. Dentists use crowns to restore a broken tooth or a tooth with severe wear. If you have a root canal treatment, the crown can cover and protect the restored tooth. Dentists also use crowns to hold a dental bridge in place or cover misshapen or severely discolored teeth.

How long after tooth extraction can you get a bridge?

Generally, a dentist can place a bridge four to eight weeks after the extraction. This timeline ensures that the extraction site has had adequate time to heal and become strong. Also, it could take several appointments to create and install a bridge. We recommend speaking with your dentist to determine an appropriate timeframe for getting a bridge after an extraction.

Or Can I sleep with my partial denture in?

While sleeping with partial dentures is possible, most dentists do not recommend it. Leaving your dentures in overnight can lead to gum inflammation and infection due to trapped food particles and bacteria. Taking your dentures out at night allows your oral tissues to rest and recover. Moreover, it’s a great opportunity to clean your dentures thoroughly and let them soak overnight. Lastly, always store your dentures in water or a denture-cleaning solution to prevent them from drying out.

Can a dentist or periodontist cure periodontal disease?

Once periodontal disease has progressed past the early stage of gingivitis, a dentist or periodontist can’t completely cure it. However, dentist and periodontists can effectively manage the disease. The goal of treatment is to stop the progression of the disease. This often involves deep cleanings, medications, and sometimes surgery.

Can I treat TMJ myself?

Self-management of TMJ disorder is certainly possible. You can treat TMJ disorders at home using simple care methods. However, dentists and doctors will usually not recommend self-care management as a primary treatment option. It’s important to consult with your dentist or doctor first to ensure the issue isn’t more severe. With proper guidance and clinical support, self-management can be a helpful addition to symptom relief and improving long-term outcomes.